Monday, July 26, 2010

BollyWood Obsession

Last night, I invited myself to the most phenomenal party I have ever attended in my entire life. It was a graduation party for one of my little sister's friends and it was Bollywood themed. I was in love from the moment I walked in the door and heard all the adorable little Indian accents. I danced the entire time and ate chicken. Four chickens to be exact. The spice on them was unbelievable and I believe cocaine had something to do with it.
I added some new moves to my repetoire and am excited to display it this fall. I am definitely making sure we have a bollywood-themed dance for Pi-Phi...if we're allowed any fun this year, that is.
But my biggest concern is how I am going to have a Bollywood-themed wedding without looking too stupid. I think the only way to get away with it is to marry an Indian which is definitely possible. Every Indian I've ever met smells like a dead-sexy Sultan. Pretty sure I saw Jasmin's dad last night too by the way. Except his mustache had way more curl. The best thing about last night though was not one time did I feel like I'd be stoned for my actions which could otherwise be considered in appropriate. My dancing was definitely something they've never witnessed...that's why I was dancing alone more than half the time. The other half were dance lessons from the DJ himself. He said I had potential. Sweet guy.
I love Bollywood Music. In fact, I am listening to it right now and loving it. Bum Bum Dole Salaam Eckshel. ya, ya. Time to dance ;)

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