After a total of 27.8 minutes and a whole lot of impatience, I have finally created my own online diary. My own blog. My own...CochTalk. I am leaving my old fairy-diary behind in the dust due to the frequent hand-cramps while writing in it and for the preservation of my delicate hands. Being a hand model still holds a place in my future...somewhere.
It occured to me that if I ever plan on writing a book about my life, memoirs, stupditiy, etc. (a best seller regardless) a blog would not be a bad place to preserve all these precious memories as fascinating as might be.
Today, Monday the 12th of July, I woke up in agony and without any shorts on. Yes, I have become a victim of the 1st degree sunburn. I am on the road to a speedy recovery though. Please keep me in your prayers.
The best part about this morning after waking up and eating my usual eggs and ham in a state of euphoria, was then having my loving father approach from behind while administering his little back massage of love...and pain. Who says love isn't pain? I then proceeded to make a little gruntle moaning, "Aw, dad how sweet but I'm a tad burnt."
" this hurts?"
"Yes. Dad. Allow me to be blunt. Stop."
Shelving books was a struggle but for a girl with my unfortunate, limited stature it usually is. The stools are so degrading and I refuse to utilize them (The broken shelf in the PN section is a result of that decision).
I could barely lift my burnt arms though but I managed. I cannot let the loyal patrons of the University library down. With each book, I hold eduation in the palm of my hands, and the library's legacy must live on. Every book must be shelved. No exceptions. I take my job seriously one could say. SMSP for life. (Planning on having that tatooed above my ass-crack. When I bend down to shelve a book, people will know where I gained my experience.) We manage them stacks.
Later, I babysat, bought groceries with pops, practiced piano for about five minutes, took a suana where I proceeded to "sweat like a pig" as papa Cochran would say and now I am here starting something new in my life and loving it. Blogging. So it Begins.
SMSP for life