Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dilated Disaster

It all began on a dreary yet blissful Friday. It was the first day of my over-delayed spring break and I had an eye Doctor’s appointment. I scheduled an appointment out of fear that the blind spot in my right eye (due to Toxoplasmosis) was beginning to expand and that perhaps I was going blind. Paranoid, I know but what can I say? I am the daughter of Mr. Paranoid himself, Kevin Cochran.

A little history on my Toxoplasmosis. The disease is defined as, a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Essentially, I contracted the parasite as child while playing in my cat’s cat litter. We didn’t have a sandbox when I was little and I had to make do with what we did have. So yes, because I played with cat poop, I now have a blind spot which progressively get worst if neglected.

I remember sitting in the chair, eyes dilated, and then seeing the stick of doom with numbing ointment come at my eyes. I was petrified and the Ophthalmologist Assistant’s little Thailand accent was not providing any comfort. We were about to take my eye pressure for a Glaucoma test and then I made the rookie mistake and asked her what Glaucoma actually entailed. From there, it was all a blur….to be continued

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