My body cringes with pain as I try to recall the events of last night. Cringes of regret. My muscles cry with pain at every movement, my lower back feels as if I tried to lift my little brother, and my dignity not tarnished. I literally probably ran for no more than 15 minutes total last night.I foolishly decided to partake in an indoor soccer game last night against girls my size: against little highschoolers. We were about to leave after my little sister's game when all of a sudden I hear a vested older lady, with nothing but hope in her eyes, pleaing for subs to play in her impending game. I approached the woman and said, "I hear you're looking for players." "Yes, you wanna play? You have to be in highschool," she said as she scrutinzed my womanly figure."Perfect, I'm a Junior," I quickly reported, lying through my teeth...."Suit up. You're in, in 5 minutes." Little did I know I would be undergoing the worst physical pain my body has ever endured in my entire life. Nothing is more humbling than getting schooled by highschoolers. Nothing.
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